Magnetic・Light Sensitive Characteristics of MOS Magnetic Sensors and Detection Methodology for the distance measurement
Opportunities to use the media such as the television and movies have increased and we apply 3-D information in various scenes. Acquiring 3-D information is applied in the medical fields such as human body scanners and in ITS(Intelligent Transport Systems) fields measuring a distance between the cars in real time. Time-of-Flight(TOF) which is the method used to measure the time that exposure light reach a detector and calculate distance is one of the acquiring 3-D information. We research to develop the method which is able to receive and detect light using MAGFET which is a magnetic sensor for TOF. Using this method, it is possible to remove influence of clockskew which occurred between pixels conventionally and we can achieve further precision improvement because we use magnetic field which is same intensity in all area as a reference signal for correlation.