Ikeda Lab.


  • H. Ito and K. Asada, "TEST Structure for Direct Extraction of Capacitance Matrix in VLSI," 1998年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, C-12-1, pp.92, Sep. 1998,
  • M. Ikeda and K. Asada, "Time-Domain Minimum-Distance Detector and Its Application to Low Power Coding Scheme on Chip Interface," 24th European Solid State Circuit Conference, pp.464-467, Sep. 1998,
  • S. Komatsu, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada, "Adaptive Code-Book Encoding for Low Power Chip-Interface," 通信学会、信学技報, ICD98-176, pp.1-6, Sep. 1998,
  • M.Aoyagi and K.Asada, "Analysis of aluminum interconnection life time due to stress-induced migration on semiconductor device," Ext.Abstr. (59th Fall Meet.1998); Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies, 16p-ZL5.(in Japanese), Sep. 1998,
  • K. Asada, "Microelectronics education in Japan," Microelectronics Education 1998, Proceedings pp. 195-198, May. 1998,
  • Y. Sato, R. Zheng, and K. Asada, "Design of Pseudo Asynchronous Microprocessor with Completion Detection," Technical Report of IEICE., ICD98-17, CPSY98-17, FTS98-17(1998-04) pp.47-52, Apr. 1998,
  • K. Asada, T. Nezuka, and J. Akita, "A Realization of Gray-scale Image Sensor with Quad Tree Scan," 平成9年度重点領域研究「極限集積化シリコン知能エレクトロニクス」公開シンポジウム, p202-208, Apr. 1998,
  • T. Mido, H. Ito, and K. Asada, "TEST Structure for Characterizing Capacitance Matrix of Multi-layer Interconnections in VLSI," Proceeding of International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS) 110周年記念特集電気電子技術10年の歩み, pp.217-222, Mar. 1998,
  • T. Nezuka, J. Akita, and K. Asada, "A CMOS Image Sensor for Motion Detection with Hierarchical Scan," Procedding of the 1998 IEICE General Conference, C-12-49, p.177, Mar. 1998,
  • M.Aoyagi and K.Asada , "Vacancy distribution in aluminum interconnection on semiconductor device," Ext. Abstr. (45th Spring Meet.1998); Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies,, 29p-N15.(in Japanese), Mar. 1998,
  • R. Zheng , M. Ikeda, and K. Asada, "A Case Study: Design and Implementation of Pseudo-Asynchronous ," International Workshop on Logic and Architecture Synthesis '97 , Dec. 1997,
  • Tetsuhisa Mido, Kunihiro Asada "Delay-Optimum Aspect Ratio of VLSI Interconnections based on New Accurate Capacitance Formulations ," European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design , Vol. 2, pp.978-983 Sep. 1997,
  • R. Zheng, M. Ikeda, J. H. Lee, and K. Asada, "Design and Implementation of A Pseudo-Asynchronous Microprocessor," 1997年電子情報通信学会秋期大会 , C12-22, , Sep. 1997,
  • K. Asada, M. Aoyagi, and T. Mido, "An Analysis on Hi-Frequency Interconnections in VLSI Considering," 電子情報通信学会 VLSI 設計研究会, 信学技報, VLD97-69, Vol.96, No.269,, Sep. 1997,
  • J. H. Lee and K. Asada, "A synchronous completion prediction adder(SCPA) with high hardware-delayh performance," 7th International Symposium on IC Technology, Systems & Applications (ISIC-97 ), pp. 60-63, , Sep. 1997,
  • K. Nose, R. Ikeno, and K. Asada, "Simulation Study on Extraction Mechanism of Generated Holes in the Floating-body SOI MOSFETs," Technical Report of IEICE,信学技報 Singapore, 9/10-12, Sep. 1997,
  • K. Asada, H. Ito, and T. Mido, "Test Structure for Calculating Capacitance Matrix of Multi Conductors in VLSI," 1997年電子情報通信学会秋期大会, C-12-5, P.88, Sep. 1997,
  • J. Akita and K. Asada, "A CMOS Image Sensor with Variable Block Access Function for Adaptive Resolution Scan、," 1997年電子情報通信学会秋季大会, C12-39, Sep. 1997,
  • T. Mido and K. Asada, "Delay-Optimum Aspect Ratio of VLSI Interconnections based on New Accurate Capacitance Formulations," European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design '97, Vol.2, pp.978-983, Sep. 1997,
  • T. S. Cheung and K. Asada, "Design Automation Algorithms for Regenerative Pass-transistor Logic," ISCAS (International Symposium on Circuits and Systems), Vol.3 (Cad VLSI) pp.1540-1543, Jun. 1997,