Makoto Ikeda and K. Asada,
"Data Bypassing Register File for Low Power Microprocessor,"
IEICE Transaction on Electronics, Vol.E78-C, No.10, pp.1470-1472, Oct. 1995,
Christoph Wasshuber and K. Asada,
"Non-Approximate Evaluation of Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of Charge for the Two-Junction Case at Arbitrary Temperatures and Bias Voltages,"
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. , Vol.34(1995), PP.l1230-l1233, Part 2, No.9B, Sep. 1995,
K. Asada and J. Akita,
"A Method for Reducing Power Consumption of CMOS Logic Based on Signal Transition Probability,"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol.E78-C, No.4, pp.436-440, Apr. 1995,
K. Asada and M. Lee,
"Ultimate Lower Bound of Power for MOS Integrated Circuits and their Applications,"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol.E77-C, No.7, pp.1131-1137, Jul. 1994,
K-R. Cho, K. Okura, and K. Asada,
"Experimental Design of a 32-bit Fully Asynchronous Microprocessor (FAM),"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol.E77-C, No.4, Apr. 1994,
Y. Iwasaki and K. Asada,
"Numerical Analysis of Durable Power MOSFET Using Cylindrical Device Simulator,"
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E77-A, No.2, pp.371-379, Feb. 1994,
M. Ikeda and K. Asada,
"A proposal of high speed and low power data transmission method for VLSIs by reduced-swing signal,"
IEICE Transaction on Electronics, E76-A No.10 pp1666-1675, Oct. 1993,
M. Lee and K. Asada,
"Deep-Submicron CMOS/SIMOX Delay Modeling by Time-Dependent Capacitance Model,"
IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices , Vol.40, No.10, pp.1897-1901, Oct. 1993,
M. Lee and K. Asada,
"A New proposal for Delay Improvement on CMOS/SOI Future Technology,"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol.E76-C, No.10, pp.1513-1522, Oct. 1993,
M. Fujishima and K. Asada,
"A Nonpinchoff Gradual Channel Model for Deep-Submicron MOSFET's,"
IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol.40, No.10 pp.1883-1885, Oct. 1993,
M. Fujishima, K. Asada, Y. Omura, and K. Izumi,
"Low-power 1/2 Frequency Dividers Using 0.1μm CMOS Circuits Built with Ultrathin SIMOX Substrates,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.28, No.4, pp.510-512, Apr. 1993,
M. Fujishima, M. Ikeda, K. Asada, Y. Omura, and K. Izumi,
"Analytical Modeling of Dynamic Performance of Deep Sub-micron SOI/SIMOX Based on Current-Dwlay Product,"
IEICE TRANS. ELECTRON.,, Vol.E75-C, No.12, Dec. 1992,
M. Fujishima, M. Ikeda, K. Asada, Y. Omura, and Y. Izumi,
"Analytical Modeling of Dynamic Performance of Deep Submicron SOI/SIMOX Based on Current-Delay Product,"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol. E75-C, No.12, Dec. 1992,
張 洪明 and 浅田 邦博,
"Layout Design with Two Dimension MOSFET Cells,"
電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J75-A,No.5,pp.960-962, 1992,
T. Ohmameuda, H. Miki, K. Asada, T. Sugano, and Y. Ohji,
"Thermodynamical Calculation and Experimental Confirmation of the Density of Hole Traps in SiO2 Films,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.30,No.12A,pp.L1993-L1995, Dec. 1991,
Y. Tajima, K. Asada, and T. Sugano,
"1/5 Power Law in PN-Junction Failure Mechanism Cased by Electrical-Over-Stress,"
IEICE Transactions, Vol.E75-C,No.2,pp.207-215, Feb. 1991,
H. Miki, T. Ohmameuda, M. Kumon, K. Asada, and T. Sugano,
"Subfemtojoule Deep Submicrometer-Gate CMOS Built In Ultra-Thin Si Film on SIMOX Substrates,"
IEEE Transactions Electron Devices, Vol.38,No.2,pp.373-377, Feb. 1991,
M. Fujishima, K. Asada, and T. Sugano,
"Evaluation of Delay-Time Degradation of Low-Voltage BiCMOS Based on a Novel Analytical Delay-Time Modeling,"
IEEE Journal Solid-State Circuits, Vol.26,No.1,pp.25-31, Jan. 1991,
戴 志堅 and 浅田 邦博,
(in Japanese) "回路トポロジーの多段分解による面積最小回路の一合成手法,"
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J74-A, 1991,
趙 慶録 and 浅田 邦博,
(in Japanese) "One-hot Code状態割当と2-AND論理を用いたVLSI向き非同期回路の合成,"
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J74-A巻,2号,pp.218-226, 1991,