Ikeda Lab.



  • R. Ikeno, H.Ito, and K.Asada, "One-Dimensional Analysis of Subthreshold Characteristics of SOI-MOSFET Considering Quantum Mechanical Effects," 4th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, P11, Oct. 1995,
  • 秋田 純一 and 浅田 邦博, "A Signal Scanning Method of Sensors with Hierarchal Structure of Node Automata," 電子情報通信学会 技術報告, Vol.95. pp.71-78, Sep. 1995,
  • 三堂 哲寿 and 浅田 邦博, "Crosstalk Noise Considering Inductive Coupling in VLSI Interconnections in Heterogeneous Insulators," 電子情報通信学会 VLSI設計研究会、通信学会技術報告, Vol.95,No.232,pp.69-74, Sep. 1995,
  • 池田 誠, 李 知漢, and 浅田 邦博, "Design of Pseudo Asynchronous Microprocessor Using Synchronous Completion Detection Adder," 電子情報通信学会 集積回路設計研究会, ED95-87, pp.95ー100, Sep. 1995,
  • 池野 理門, 伊藤 浩, and 浅田 邦博, "Device Parameter Estimation by 1-D SOI Simulation Considering 2-D Quantum Effects," 第56回応用物理学会学術講演会, 27a-ZQ-3, Aug. 1995,
  • 池野 理門, 名倉 徹, and 浅田 邦博, "Estimation of SOI MOSFET Threshold Voltage Using 1-D Device Simulation Method," 第42回応用物理学関係連合講演会, Mar. 1995,
  • 池野 理門, 伊藤 浩, 名倉 徹, and 浅田 邦博, "Evaluation of SOI MOSFET Threshold Voltage using 1-D Device Simulation," 電子情報通信学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会, SDM94-208, Mar. 1995,
  • 伊藤 浩 and 浅田 邦博, "Leak Current Characterization in high Frequency Operation of CMOS/SOI Circuits," 第42回応用物理学会関係連合講演会, Mar. 1995,
  • 張 子誠 and 浅田 邦博, "A Low Power Digital Design Technique," 1995年電子情報通信学会 春季全国大会, Mar. 1995,
  • J. Akita and K. Asada, "An Estimation of State Code Assignment for Low Power Finite State Circuit," 1995年電子情報通信学会 春季全国大会, A-108, pp.108, Mar. 1995,
  • K. Asada, M. Ikeda, and J. Akita, "VLSI Design with Verilog HDL," 1995年電子情報通信学会 春季全国大会, GD-2-6, Mar. 1995,
  • 池田 誠 and 浅田 邦博, "Power Optimization Method for Partitioned Bus Architecture," 1995年電子情報通信学会 春季全国大会, Mar. 1995,
  • 浅田 邦博 and 池田 誠, "Design of General Purpose Microprocessor using Partitioned Bus Architecture," 1995年電子情報通信学会 春季全国大会, Mar. 1995,
  • 名倉 徹, 池野 理門, and 浅田 邦博, "Analytical Model for Back Gate Effect on SOI Device," 第42回応用物理学関係連合講演会, Mar. 1995,
  • 池野 理門 and 浅田 邦博, "Optimization of VLSI Process Parameters Using Circuit Simulation," 1995年電子情報通信学会 春季全国大会, Mar. 1995,
  • H. Ito and K. Asada, "Leak Current Characterization in High Frequency Operation of CMOS Circuits Fabricated on SOI Substrate," IEEE Proc. International Conference on Microelectronics Test Structure, Mar. 1995,
  • Minkyu Song and K. Asada, "Design Methodology for Low Power Data Compressors Based on a Window Detector in a 54 x 54 Bit Multiplier," IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'95) /IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., pp.1568-1571, 1995,
  • M. Ikeda and K. Asada, "A Power Reduction Method using Partitioned Bus Architecture in High-Level VLSI Design ," IFIP Workshop on Logic and Architecture Synthesis, pp.225-230, Dec. 1994,
  • K. Asada and J. Akita, "Optimum State Assignment for CMOS Implementation of Low Power Finite State Machine," IFIP Workshop on Logic and Architecture Synthesis, pp.141-146, Dec. 1994,
  • T. S. Cheung and K. Asada, "A Single-Phase Clock Complementary Circuit Technique for Low Power Logic Circuit Design," Proc. ASICON 1994, Beijing, China, No.4.20, pp.275-278, Oct. 1994,