Ikeda Lab.



  • 池野 理門 and 浅田 邦博, "High-Speed Method for Device Simulations by Area Division," 第59回応用物理学会学術講演会, 28pーz7ー3、pp720, Sep. 1993,
  • 張 洪明 and 浅田 邦博, "A Layout Method for Logic System Designed by Parthenon," 1993年電子情報通信学会 秋季全国大会, A-68, pp.1-68, Sep. 1993,
  • 岩崎 靖和 and 浅田 邦博, "Numerical Analysis of Power Devices with Axially Symmetric Structure," 第54回応用物理学会 学術講演会, 28p-ZT-8, pp.722, Sep. 1993,
  • 池田 誠 and 浅田 邦博, "A Design of Control Circuits for Reduced Swing Signal Data Transmission Method," 1993年電子情報通信学会 秋季全国大会, C-441, pp.5-151, Sep. 1993,
  • M. Lee and K. Asada, "A High Performance on CMOS/SOI Integrated Circuits with SIMOX Substrates," 36th Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Aug. 1993,
  • M. Lee, M. Fujisahima, and K. Asada, "A High Speed and Low Power on CMOS/SOI Technology," 51st Device Research Conference (DRC), Session ⅡA, No.8, Jun. 1993,
  • 池田 誠 and 浅田 邦博, "High Speed Data Transmission Method by Reduced Swing Signal for VLSI Bus Architecture," 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告, ED93-5D, ICD93-49 pp.39-45, Jun. 1993,
  • 藤島 実 and 浅田 邦博, (in Japanese) "短チャネル低電源電圧CMOS回路における負荷容量の電気的評価法," 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol.93, No.111, pp.1-7, Jun. 1993,
  • 張 洪明 and 浅田 邦博, "An optimal layout method based on compatible pair search algorithm ," 第6回回路とシステム 軽井沢ワークショップ, pp.61-65, Apr. 1993,
  • M. Lee, M. Fujishima, and K. Asada, "Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Capacitance on CMOS/SIMOX Inverter Delay," Proceedings of the 1993 IEICE Spring Conference, C-9, pp.5-203, Mar. 1993,
  • M. Fujishima and K. Asada, "Proposal of Standard Characterization Method for Dynamic Circuit Performance," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Microelectronic Test Structure , Vol.6, pp.227-232, Mar. 1993,
  • M. Lee, M. Fujishima, and K. Asada, "Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Capacitance on CMOS/SIMOX Inverter Delay," 1993年電子情報通信学会 春季全国大会(IEICE), C-573, Vol.5, pp.203, Mar. 1993,
  • 張 洪明 and 浅田 邦博, "A Transistor pairing method for complex gate CMOS networks," 1993年電子情報通信学会 春季全国大会, A-95, pp.1-95, Mar. 1993,
  • 池田 誠 and 浅田 邦博, "Reduced Voltage Bus Lines using Termination Resistors," 1993年電子情報通信学会 春季全国大会, C-572, pp.5-202, Mar. 1993,
  • M. Lee and K. Asada, "Sub-100nm CMOS/SIMOX Delay Modeling by Time-Dependent Gate Capacitance Model," 1993 Int. Symp. on VLSI Tech., Systems, and Appl., pp.242-246, 1993,
  • H. Zhang and K. Asada, "An Improved Algorithm of Transistors Pairing for Compact Layout of Non-series-parallel CMOS Networks," IEEE Proc. Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., pp.17.2.1-17.2.4, 1993,
  • 張 洪明 and 浅田 邦博, (in Japanese) "非直並列CMOS回路のレイアウト最適化手法," 1992年電子情報通信学会 秋季全国大会, A-61, Sep. 1992,
  • M. Fujishima, M. Yamashita, M. Ikeda, K. Asada, Y. Omura, K. Izumi, T. Sakai, and T. Sugano, "1GHz 50 μW 1/2 Frequency Divider Fabricated on Ultra-thin SIMOX Substrate," IEEE 1992 Symposium on VLSI Circuit Digest of Technical Papers, 5-4, pp.46-47, Jun. 1992,
  • M. Fujishima, K. Asada, T. Sasaki, M. Yamashita, Y. Omura, M. Ikeda, K. Izumi, and T. Sugano, "1 GHz 50μ 11/8 Frequency Divider Fabricated on Ultra-thin SIMOX Substrate," IEEE 1992 Symposium on VLSI Circuit, Digest of Technical Papers,5-4, pp.46-47, Jun. 1992,
  • K. Asada, K. Ohkura, and K. R. Cho, "Design of Self-Timed Data Path for a Fully Asynchronus Microprocessor," SASIMI '92, pp.HLII-1, Apr. 1992,