T. Mido and K. Asada,
"An Analysis on Hi-Frequenacy Interconnection in VLSI Considering Inductive Effects,"
International Workshop on Timing Issues In the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems (TAU'99), pp.173-178, Mar. 1999,
T. Nezuka, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"A Motion Detection Image Sensor with Variable Block Access,,"
Procedding of the 1999 IEICE General Conference, p.154, Mar., 1999., C-12-56, p.154, Mar. 1999,
K. Asada, T. Nezuka, T. Fujita, M. Ikeda, and J. Akita,
"Image sensors with flexible access methods to pixels for adaptive spatial and time resolution,,"
International Symposium on Future of Intellectual Integrated Electronics,, pp49-62, Mar. 1999,
K. Asada, T. Nezuka, ,T. Fujita, M. Ikeda, and J. Akita,
"An Image Sensor for Motion Detection using Variable Block Access,"
International Symposium on Future of Intellectual Integrated Electronics, ex.12, Mar. 1999,
T. Nezuka, T. Fujita, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"A Binary Image Sensor for Motion Detection,"
Proceedings of JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 1999,
H. Ito and K. Asada,
"Non-destructive Extraction of Structural Parameters of Fully-depleted SOI MOSFETs using Subthreshold Slope Characteristics,"
1998 Conference on Optolectronics and Microelectronics Materials and Devices, Dec. 1998,
R. Zheng and K. Asada,
"A High Speed Completion Prediction Adder Based on Binary Carry Lookahead Adder,"
Proceeding of International Workshop on IP Based Synthesis and System Design, Grenable , Dec. 1998,
M. Ikeda and K. Asada,
"CAM Macro Cells with Minimum Distance Detector using Time-Domain Technique,"
International Workshop on IP Based Synthesis and System Design , pp.134-140, Dec. 1998,
T. Nezuka, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
" A Gray-Scale Image sensor with Hierarchical Access Path ,"
2nd Workshop on System LSI in Biwako, p.227-230, Dec. 1998,
T. Yamashita and K. Asada,
"High Speed Pass-transistor Logic with Capacitor separated sense amplifire,"
第2回システムLSI琵琶湖ワークショップ For the Interdisciplinary Materials Research, pp.233-235, Nov. 1998,
T. Nezuka and K. Asada,
"An Image Sensor for Motion Compensation with Hierarchical Scan,,"
Technical Report of IEICE., DSP98-95, pp.43-48, Oct., 1998., Vol.98,No.318,DSP98-95,p.43-48, Oct. 1998,
T. Mido and K. Asada,
"An Evaluation of Skin Effect on Hi-Frequency VLSI Interconnections using Numerical Simulation,"
第45回応用物理学会関係連合講演会. , 28p-L-8, p.11, Oct. 1998,
T. Mido and K. Asada,
"An Analysis on Hi-Frequency Interconnections in VLSI Considering Skin Effect,"
通信学会VLSI設計研究会、信学技報, VLD98-84、Vol.98、No.2 pp.89-94, Oct. 1998,
H. Ito and K. Asada,
"Device parameter extraction using subthreshold slope factor characteristics in SOI MOSFETs,"
第59回応用物理学会学術講演会, 15a-P9/II p.778, Oct. 1998,
S. Komatsu, M. Ikeda, and K. Asada,
"Adaptive Code-Book Encoding for Low Power Chip-Interface,"
1998年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, C12-23, pp.114, Oct. 1998,
K. Asada, T. Nezuka, and M. Ikeda,
"A High Speed CMOS Image Sensor with Hierarchical Access Path,"
1998年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, SC-10-5,pp184-185, Sep. 1998,
K. Asada, T. Nezuka, and M. Ikeda,
"A High Speed CMOS Image Sensor with Hierarchical Access Path,"
1998年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集Proceedings of the 1998 Electronics Society Conference of IEICE, Pergamon, SC-10-5, p.184-185,, Sep. 1998,
R. Zheng and K. Asada,
"Design of Completion Prediction Adder with Shift Operation and Its Aoolication to Microcessor ,"
通信学会、信学技報, VLD98-51, pp.51-56, Sep. 1998,
R. Zheng and K. Asada,
"Design of a Completion Adder,"
通信学会全国大会講演論文集, C-12-22, pp.113, Sep. 1998,
T. Mido, H. Ito, and K. Asada,
"TEST Structure for Direct Extraction of Capacitance Matrix in VLSI,"
1998 IEICE Fall Conference, C-12-1, pp.92, Sep. 1998,